Paints are organic coating materials, used to protect the wall or any other surface from atmosphere or other environmental factors. There are several types of paints used. Emulsion and Enamel are the two different types of paints used for coating the wall or other surfaces. They are the most commonly used paints.
Enamels are pigmented varnish. It is a colloidal dispersion of pigments in varnish which produce a glossy and lustrous hard coating. The important constituents of enamels are pigments, vehicle, driers and thinner. Enamel paint is available in different colors. It contains white lead or zinc white, petroleum spirit and oil. It slowly dries and become a hard and durable surface. Environment factors such as dust, gases, hot and cold water, acid, steam etc, do not affect the paint. It can be used for both external and internal walls. To improve the appearance, a coat of titanium white in pale linseed is applied before the coat of enamel paint.
Emulsions are the high quality paints which contains materials like Polyvinyl Acetate and Synthetic resins. This paint is easy to apply and will dries quickly in about one to two hours. The color of the paint is retained for a long period and the surface of the paint possesses excellent alkali resistance. The paint is applied by brush or spraying. For longer life, two coats are applied. For rough cement plastered surface, a thin coat of cement paint is first applied to smoothen the surface. Over this, the emulsion paint is applied.
Article originally published at Source by Arun Mohan Das
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