Your house is most likely one of the biggest investment you might be having right now. Taking time to do research and choose the best painter for your house is very important. When it comes to painting there are many options starting from individuals to companies. It is obvious that once you want to hire a professional painter the most important thing is to get the best person for the job. In this article you will find ways on how to get the best person or company to paint your house for it to have a look that you like.
First is to ask around – If you see a house that is freshly painted and you like the look, be polite and ask the owner who or which company did the job. Sometimes the best form of advertisement is through word of mouth. Your friends, neighbors and even relatives can recommend for you somebody who they know can do a good painting job.
Sometimes you will see a painting advertisement in the backyard which is a good indication that the painter must have done a good job for the owner to allow any form of advertising. Successful mouth to mouth advertisement doesn’t happen unless the painter or the company did an exceptional job. This means that you will learn more about a painter from past clients. One disgruntled past client may not be enough but if you hear same complaints from everyone then it will be time to stay clear.
If possible always ask for references – this is slightly different from asking around (neighbors, friends and relatives). This involves speaking directly to the contractor and asking her any references for past jobs. If She cannot give you a list of any references it is time to strike off the contractor from your list. Always allow a minimum of three references and make sure you follow through all the three references to confirm claims.
Check out their website -Every reputable painter or contractor must have a website and it should be the first place to drop and check what kind of services and reviews they have from past clients. Their site if professional should generally tell you the kinds of services they offer and at what rates. Their website will also tell you on how to contact them, their field of expertise and most importantly the quality of customer service.
Article originally published at Source by Glenn Froehlich
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