If you ask most people about LED lights, they tend to think about things like Christmas lights, or the indicator lights on their electronic gadgets. Although LED lights have been around since the 1960s, it’s only recently that manufacturers have been able to make lights that have a similar color to incandescent lights. This has allowed them to be used in a wider range of lighting applications.
There are many advantages to LED lights. They are very efficient and use much less electricity than incandescents do, which saves you money on your electric bill. LED lights produce 60-70 lumens per watt. Unlike compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), they do not contain mercury. This means they are better for the environment and can be disposed of in normal trash. They come in both screw in and plug in forms, which makes retrofitting and using them in existing lighting applications easy.
LEDs have a long life, ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 hours. If you used a bulb four hours a day, this translates to about 20 to 34 years. They don’t emit ultraviolet light and their color temperature does not change when you dim them, which makes them a great choice for illuminating art work or collectibles. They are immune to vibration and work well in cold temperatures, so they work well in outdoor applications.
LED lights do have some disadvantages as well. The first is their cost. They are more expensive than incandescents or CFLs. A replacement for a screw in recessed light can cost as much as $120. However, their increased cost is usually offset by their long life. In addition, as manufacturers produce more and more of these lights, the cost is predicted to fall. LED lights are very directional, which makes them good for task or accent lighting, but not so good for ambient light. However, you can find a light fixture that can offset their directionality and let them be used for ambient room lighting.
As you can see, there are many more advantages than disadvantages to LED lighting. With time, the biggest objection, their cost will continue to fall, making them a great choice for your home.
Article originally published at Source by Frank Parson
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